Friday, 12 February 2010

Time for the return of the CATHOLIC STATE !

Western secular governments need Islamic immigration to strenghten their nations against China. Islamisation is the plan - repealing abortion laws and banning contraception for Westerners is not! A blending and alliance of the Islamic world and Western world is seen as a bulwark against Chinese might. Globalisation is also another strategy for disarming potential competitors that might threaten the collapsing diffident West!

Only a CATHOLIC STATE - foundational state of the west - will resist your demographic wipeout and Islamisation at the hands of inept secular governance. Time for the return of the Catholic State me thinks!


Anonymous said...

Me thinks you're very crazy lady. ^_^

Unknown said...

the patterns you make in your head are amazing...freak!

Luong said...
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Luong said...

All Catholics will burn in Hell for their rebellious nature against the word of GOD. Believing in & praying to Lord JESUS are not enough. JESUS said in John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

Do Catholics keep JESUS's commandment about not worshipping stone or wood idols whenever they fall on their knees to worship a statue of Mary? NO! Do Catholics keep JESUS's commandment about not restricting marriage when they practice celibacy? NO! Do Catholics obey the Bible about GOD making the world in only six days when they accept evolution? NO! Do they obey the Bible when they believe the Pope is infallible? NO! Do Catholics obey JESUS's commandment about praying only to GOD whenever they pray to Mary, Popes, Catholic saints, etc...? NO!!!

Kuglaikan said...

i am sooo against it , and it's not because i was born an orthodox(at the moment i'm an atheist), nooo it's because i don't want to see inquisitions, and yes i agree with seezar1o1, me thinks u are sooo vary crazy too lady and i mean really crazy , and by the way since whan did this conspiracy start to form in your mind( with china taking over the world ans Shit) i recomant a psychiatrist (mind healer as they call him ) you really need one, badly !

Unknown said...

Xenophobic, Islamophobic and now Sinophobic... you still haven't mentioned the Jews yet.

Tell me, why is your religion invading non-Catholic countries with their diatribe? There are 100 million Catholics in China and rising - a far greater infringement than Muslims in Europe, or indeed atheists relative to Christians in Europe. yet nothing is done about them in China.

Indeed, if Chinese people were Catholic, wouldn't that make your disgust of the Chinese irrelevant... as they will be Catholic?

Amaqula said...

Actually Howard....I love China....having lots of Chinese friends. I am a great supporter of China....and I hope and pray that it will eventually Catholicise. That is my dream for China.

So don't be so quick to list the so-called sins of others!! Take a look at your own sins first. I wonder would bigotry be among them?! You certainly don't sound so savoury to me.

Javmango said...

You're either some crazy troll or you're after another big bloody stupid war... Not to mention an awful parrot, always the same crap over and over again.

Unknown said...

Amaqula im waiting for you, lets talk about the bible,i'll go easy on you this time..

The Writer said...

Haha, this is why I love the online community.

Everyone, Amaqula cannot even justify to me why she believes in Catholicism, never mind the Catholic State. I tried to debate with Amaqula using YouTube messaging, all I got was Ad Hominem, Ignoratio Elenchi, and ignorance. There was not even a reason given to believe in God. With such an inability to sell their own message, I find it amazing that Amaqula keeps at it.

Once again, we are not told why Muslims being born is a bad thing, or why Catholicism is right, and Islam is wrong (there can be no proof for either, but an attempt would be nice). It's like saying we should all buy brown hair dye because there is a rapid growth of gingers.

Tell me Amaqula, have you considered that the people using contraception don't want children? Abolishing abortion+ contraception will merely lead to abstinence, and an increase in sodomy and adoption. Not the saviour of a race. Why is it such a bad thing that people are CHOOSING not to have kids? You can't force them to breed...

It's someone's choice to conceive or not, and if you're forcing someone to, you're creating a totalitarian state that will soon be overthrown by people sick of state control in their lives. Your Orwellian fantasy will do no good, not when the people have the power.

Still waiting on justification, Amaqula, you know my youtube account, so feel free to drop a message justifying yourself if you can... =)

Acksking said...

The 'liberal secular humanist evolutionary' mindset is nothing but some sort of dementia. If

you want to know how the Catholic church helped not just the west but the entire world look no

further than yourself, your education and your freedom. The liberals didn't come up with these

basic concepts that we take for granted now, neither did the latin american cannibals, nor the

cow urine drinking Indians, neither the western barbarians, nor the africans, and never the

buddhists. However they all enjoy the benefits of that today in one way or another. You can

live in denial all your life, but you know in your heart that you are wrong. The Catholic

church is the standard of the world and the entire world looks up to it, even those that are

not Christians. It is the only institution in the world that has selflessly worked for the

betterment of the human race at the cost of thousands of martyrs who laid down their life for

our future. The future that everyone who has incorporated those values enjoy and we see it.

But off course everybody is okay with it all except when it comes to giving it credit for what

the church has done. It is interesting to note that most 'liberal secular humanist

evolutionary atheists' puke venom at the Catholic church but find no fault with any other

religion. They direct all their angst toward the Catholic church with such dedication, its

almost as if they all have a vendetta. Having said that I don't half expect to get the 'liberal

secular humanist evolutionary demented atheists' to see my point cause they only see what they

want to see and not everybody has their name written in the book of life.

Acksking said...

The 'liberal secular humanist evolutionary' mindset is nothing but some sort of dementia. If

you want to know how the Catholic church helped not just the west but the entire world look no

further than yourself, your education and your freedom. The liberals didn't come up with these

basic concepts that we take for granted now, neither did the latin american cannibals, nor the

cow urine drinking Indians, neither the western barbarians, nor the africans, and never the

buddhists. However they all enjoy the benefits of that today in one way or another. You can

live in denial all your life, but you know in your heart that you are wrong. The Catholic

church is the standard of the world and the entire world looks up to it, even those that are

not Christians. It is the only institution in the world that has selflessly worked for the

betterment of the human race at the cost of thousands of martyrs who laid down their life for

our future. The future that everyone who has incorporated those values enjoy and we see it.

But off course everybody is okay with it all except when it comes to giving it credit for what

the church has done. It is interesting to note that most 'liberal secular humanist

evolutionary atheists' puke venom at the Catholic church but find no fault with any other

religion. They direct all their angst toward the Catholic church with such dedication, its

almost as if they all have a vendetta. Having said that I don't half expect to get the 'liberal

secular humanist evolutionary demented atheists' to see my point cause they only see what they

want to see and not everybody has their name written in the book of life.

Diego said...

The Brazilian Catholic philosopher Olavo de Carvalho has so ruthlessly debunked the fairy-tale of "Catholic states" (which, when they were meant to exist, were anything but "religious-paradise-on-Earth", but the very beginning of the decadence of Christianity from the end of the Middle Ages) that I can only laugh (so as not to cry) as I read someone proposing more of the same poison.