It is not enough to 'fight' Islam. You also have to remember that its power comes from its high birthrate. Therefore, the business world and the political world will bow to it for their own needs.
Christian and secular societies are (rightly) seen as declining and belonging to the past, while Islam is seen as the future. Only by returning to the true practice of Catholicism, can this be reversed. It is the only hope left for the 'disappearing' non-Islamic world!
Friday, 12 December 2008
Friday, 5 December 2008
Mother Nature's choice.
The family unit, consisting of a woman, caring for her offspring and supported by her husband, is the most efficient, economical and resillient model. It has seen humanity survive and thrive, through the good times and bad. It provides for the future and for the present. It is biologically, ecomonically and emotionally independant. (This is why it is often despised by the powers that be.) It cannot be improved upon!
Friday, 28 November 2008
Figuring out the Future!
It is hard to figure out the plans and mindset of the Western Elites, political or otherwise. It would seem they are well disposed to Islam and probably see it as the future, with small insignificant pockets of Christianity. They haven't worked out how to reconcile its moral conservativism with their own liberal leanings yet, but they are working on it. They know they can do business with Islam. Both share a certain antipathy towards the figure of Jesus Christ, so they are not totally incompatible.
China could pose a problem for this global Progressive-Islamic partnership, though. China, fiercely independant, nationalistic and ambitious could prove a tad unmanageable. But never mind, that's what the UN exists for, - harnessing and channelling all powers to the service of the great Liberal-Islamic plan for world domination. The UN will bind China to it own agenda, or else exclude it from the International Community. How long this will contain China is anyone's guess, but not for too long, we imagine.
The UN exists as a type of secular Vatican, spreading it's doctrine of 'Progressive' Liberalism, shaping the world and it's future. So far it has been astoundingly successful. In partnership with Islam to make up for its weak points, it could prove unbeatable. But without reckoning on the rise of the Catholic Church and China - another winning combination, perhaps?!
China could pose a problem for this global Progressive-Islamic partnership, though. China, fiercely independant, nationalistic and ambitious could prove a tad unmanageable. But never mind, that's what the UN exists for, - harnessing and channelling all powers to the service of the great Liberal-Islamic plan for world domination. The UN will bind China to it own agenda, or else exclude it from the International Community. How long this will contain China is anyone's guess, but not for too long, we imagine.
The UN exists as a type of secular Vatican, spreading it's doctrine of 'Progressive' Liberalism, shaping the world and it's future. So far it has been astoundingly successful. In partnership with Islam to make up for its weak points, it could prove unbeatable. But without reckoning on the rise of the Catholic Church and China - another winning combination, perhaps?!
Saturday, 22 November 2008
A New Civilisation for an Old One.
There is no point trying to save Western Civilisation. It is an old concept that has oulived itself. It is now in the process of collapse because it has abandoned its raison d'etre in Christ and His Church. Without this foundation and guiding force, the West is lacking reason and definiton. It is dissipating all over the place and cannot defend itself. It stands for nothing beyond a few shabby little, curt sounding maxims. It is anyone's for the taking. It will probably be Islam's.
But not so fast! With the Christian belief system disgarded, and the Secular one discredited, it is time for the Papacy to call for a new worldwide civilisation to replace the Secular one, which is unworkable beyond one generation. The new civilisation will provide an alternative to both Secular and Islamic models of society. It will be centered on Christ and founded on His Church. It will act as a bulwark against all other man-made models, which have proved ineffective underpinnings for Human Society. It will be as St Augustine said, 'ever ancient, ever new'. May the Catholic Church rise and confront the Anti-Christs, for the sake of humanity and civilisation. Let a new dawn of Christ begin from the ship-wreck that is the West.
But not so fast! With the Christian belief system disgarded, and the Secular one discredited, it is time for the Papacy to call for a new worldwide civilisation to replace the Secular one, which is unworkable beyond one generation. The new civilisation will provide an alternative to both Secular and Islamic models of society. It will be centered on Christ and founded on His Church. It will act as a bulwark against all other man-made models, which have proved ineffective underpinnings for Human Society. It will be as St Augustine said, 'ever ancient, ever new'. May the Catholic Church rise and confront the Anti-Christs, for the sake of humanity and civilisation. Let a new dawn of Christ begin from the ship-wreck that is the West.
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Open letter to the Catholic Church.

To Whom it may concern,
Is the Catholic Church leading the world to Christ, or has it taken to supporting man-made secular directives? What is its opinion on the Islamisation of Europe, and does it care? Has it any desire to reinstate Church-State relations or does it simply accept democratically elected governments, even when they make decisions contrary to Christ's law? Does the Chruch support Democracy at the expense of Christ? Sometimes it can look like that. The Church also appears indifferent to the demographic meltdown caused by Humanist principles and practices. And why doesn't it highlight the link between this terrible calamity and our own immorality? Why does it appear to be appeasing the Secular world, instead of confronting it?
Why does the Church focus on the single issue of abortion, when it is the end product of a chain that begins with the unChristian acceptance of sex outside marriage. When is the Church going to confront this or has it, again, given up? Is it interested anymore in forming a civilisation built on devotion and loyalty to Christ - no not a 'civilisation of love', that's too vague - but a civilisation based on the linchpin of Christ? Or does it now exist to encourage 'human rights' and the 'brotherhood of man' ? Can't it see that these deadwood concepts are unChristian and unworkable? They are not synonymous with Christian teaching which is the only teaching the Church can endorse.
Of course, the Catholic Church will rise again. But for now it seems to have lost focus and forgotten its 'raison d'etre', which is to form a Christian Civilisation. It has no mandate to do the bidding of the Christ-free UN, or of Secular Democracy, which has precipitated the collapse of Western Civilisation. Please, beloved Catholic Church, let us have some bold leadership in Christ's name alone. Humanity has had its era of Christ-free secular living and it is not working. You may not know it yet, but the world is looking for you! And you must exist exclusively for Christ, for only He is good enough and all else follows on from this!
Is the Catholic Church leading the world to Christ, or has it taken to supporting man-made secular directives? What is its opinion on the Islamisation of Europe, and does it care? Has it any desire to reinstate Church-State relations or does it simply accept democratically elected governments, even when they make decisions contrary to Christ's law? Does the Chruch support Democracy at the expense of Christ? Sometimes it can look like that. The Church also appears indifferent to the demographic meltdown caused by Humanist principles and practices. And why doesn't it highlight the link between this terrible calamity and our own immorality? Why does it appear to be appeasing the Secular world, instead of confronting it?
Why does the Church focus on the single issue of abortion, when it is the end product of a chain that begins with the unChristian acceptance of sex outside marriage. When is the Church going to confront this or has it, again, given up? Is it interested anymore in forming a civilisation built on devotion and loyalty to Christ - no not a 'civilisation of love', that's too vague - but a civilisation based on the linchpin of Christ? Or does it now exist to encourage 'human rights' and the 'brotherhood of man' ? Can't it see that these deadwood concepts are unChristian and unworkable? They are not synonymous with Christian teaching which is the only teaching the Church can endorse.
Of course, the Catholic Church will rise again. But for now it seems to have lost focus and forgotten its 'raison d'etre', which is to form a Christian Civilisation. It has no mandate to do the bidding of the Christ-free UN, or of Secular Democracy, which has precipitated the collapse of Western Civilisation. Please, beloved Catholic Church, let us have some bold leadership in Christ's name alone. Humanity has had its era of Christ-free secular living and it is not working. You may not know it yet, but the world is looking for you! And you must exist exclusively for Christ, for only He is good enough and all else follows on from this!
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Atheist Idiocy!
Was there ever a sub-species of human beings as useless as atheists?? They define themselves by what they do not believe, and what they do believe is vague, and unable to withstand the rough and tumble of the real world. They tear down the Cathedral of Christendom, re-name it the ever-so-bland Western Civilisation, and build a 'potting shed' in its place. This little shed, unable to cope with the demands of real life, is now making deals with the Islamic world in the hope of fortifying itself and masking its weakness'. Apparently, in Atheist La-La land, the imperative to reproduce is simply one of many options - and not a very good one at that. You see, it interferes with that first demand of the perfect atheist life, the demand to fulfill oneself. This is obvious in the secondary status accorded to motherhood and childrearing and complimented by the introduction of the vile abortion and the norm of contraception. Self-fulfillment through career - and pleasure seeking - are more important than children and family they signal. Oh yeah?! You will pay through the nose for that spectacular, 'flying in the face of reality' gaffe, O Enlightened Ones.
For, since the introduction of legalised abortion and the invention of the Pill, birthrates in the developed, Secular nations of the world have plummetted severely, with catastrophic economic and social results. The final disintegration and collapse of Western Civilisation is within sight. To mask such a dramatic and perturbing scenario, and to rationalise their committment to the strangulating effects of abortion and contraception, the atheist powers that be are importing the children of other women to supplement their own dwindling populations. A type of self-induced ethnic cleansing of the most peculiar kind!! And of course, atheists wear a smile through it all, because hey, they are the clever ones, the 'progressive' ones who brought humanity out of the 'Dark Ages' of Christianity into the light, bright happy clappy, paradise of Atheism (albeit with the West facing its doom, but let's pretend its not.) And they are never wrong: never, ever, ever wrong - unlike Christians, you know!
Was there ever such a useless subspecies of human being as the eternally stupid atheists?
For, since the introduction of legalised abortion and the invention of the Pill, birthrates in the developed, Secular nations of the world have plummetted severely, with catastrophic economic and social results. The final disintegration and collapse of Western Civilisation is within sight. To mask such a dramatic and perturbing scenario, and to rationalise their committment to the strangulating effects of abortion and contraception, the atheist powers that be are importing the children of other women to supplement their own dwindling populations. A type of self-induced ethnic cleansing of the most peculiar kind!! And of course, atheists wear a smile through it all, because hey, they are the clever ones, the 'progressive' ones who brought humanity out of the 'Dark Ages' of Christianity into the light, bright happy clappy, paradise of Atheism (albeit with the West facing its doom, but let's pretend its not.) And they are never wrong: never, ever, ever wrong - unlike Christians, you know!
Was there ever such a useless subspecies of human being as the eternally stupid atheists?
Friday, 14 November 2008
Science and Christianity go Together
Science is absolutely essential for a growing world population. Indeed population growth is the driving force behind scientific advancement for, "necessity is the mother of invention".
Sophisticated science will only take place within a moral Christian framework. Islamic societies don't do science, for some reason or other and non-Christian cultures do a brutish form of science, relying on embryonic experimentation etc, but as yet, no alternative to the old fashioned car and petrol!
Sophisticated science will only take place within a moral Christian framework. Islamic societies don't do science, for some reason or other and non-Christian cultures do a brutish form of science, relying on embryonic experimentation etc, but as yet, no alternative to the old fashioned car and petrol!
Humanity needs Christ
Christ and Christianity are the fulcrum around which the whole world revolves - whether it knows it or not.
Christianity is truth, therefore can never be destroyed - though it can be abandoned. If this happens it will mean a new Dark Ages for those groups dependant on it, like atheists and Islam. These require Christian civilisation and are not capable of independant existence.
Christianity is truth, therefore can never be destroyed - though it can be abandoned. If this happens it will mean a new Dark Ages for those groups dependant on it, like atheists and Islam. These require Christian civilisation and are not capable of independant existence.
Friday, 7 November 2008
Evil Irrationality

Oh my gosh, I've just been listening to the elite, BBC Radio 4. Some economics expert was talking about the severe economic effects of an ageing population and how to remedy them. Needless to say not a word was mentioned about the causes of this unatural phenomenon ie legalised abortion and contraception. These are the absolutes of our age and are never mentioned, never mind questioned.
What kind of evil irrationality is this, that accepts without question that which will impoverish and eventually destroy all developed nations?? Why the deliberate blindness? Can anyone understand this?
As far as I can see, it is a supernatural problem. Natural problems require common sense and natural solutions. These will not be forthcoming from our atheist masters beholden as they are to the Anti-Christ to whom abortion is child-sacrifice of the rarest kind. He will not surrender it easily. And neither will his devotees - even if it means their ruin. Abortion is their unholy mass.
What kind of evil irrationality is this, that accepts without question that which will impoverish and eventually destroy all developed nations?? Why the deliberate blindness? Can anyone understand this?
As far as I can see, it is a supernatural problem. Natural problems require common sense and natural solutions. These will not be forthcoming from our atheist masters beholden as they are to the Anti-Christ to whom abortion is child-sacrifice of the rarest kind. He will not surrender it easily. And neither will his devotees - even if it means their ruin. Abortion is their unholy mass.
Thursday, 6 November 2008
Lessons in Fighting your Corner.
It is one of the terms and conditions of life on this planet. If you want to survive and thrive; if you want to fight your corner; if you want to keep your space; then the ladies should never be contracepted and the children should never be aborted.
Today's world learns this lesson too slowly. Speak Catholic Church, for the world needs you.
Today's world learns this lesson too slowly. Speak Catholic Church, for the world needs you.
Limiting Mankind's Horizons
Where did anyone ever get the idea that humankind was meant to stay on this one planet Earth, for ever and ever? Does anyone seriously imagine that in 500 years time, we will not have colonised other planets? If they do think this, they are irresponsibly limiting the potential and possibilities of mankind for the future.
Let us not do such a thing in the name of all things 'green'!
Let us not do such a thing in the name of all things 'green'!
Restore Church-State relations and save the West!
Only Catholicism can save Western Civilisation now. Secularism is fatal - note the negative birthrates in all secularised countries. And believe me, there are many forces filling the population gap while the West blindly aborts and contracepts itself to oblivion through its adoption of the unatural Secular Humanism. Restoring Church-State relations is the only guarantee of the West's survival now!
I also recommend Catholicism as the bedrock of progress and development for all peoples and long to see every nation come to the Feet of Christ in a Christian Civilisation.
The decimation of the next generation through sterile (contracepted) women of childbearing age and the gross practise of abortion has to be the most peculiar and illogical phenomenon ever undertaken by human society. It defies comprehension. It represents a type of self-inflicted genocide. Only Catholicism can save the West now!
I also recommend Catholicism as the bedrock of progress and development for all peoples and long to see every nation come to the Feet of Christ in a Christian Civilisation.
The decimation of the next generation through sterile (contracepted) women of childbearing age and the gross practise of abortion has to be the most peculiar and illogical phenomenon ever undertaken by human society. It defies comprehension. It represents a type of self-inflicted genocide. Only Catholicism can save the West now!
Monday, 14 April 2008
Has the Catholic Church been vindicated?
There is no great mystery to the demographic decline of Europeans. It is caused by some of Secular Europe's more ‘progressive’ and ‘enlightened’ post-Christian dogmas.
These include the ‘common sense’ of contraception; the ‘right’ to abortion, the ‘equality’ of homosexual relationships. Women - thanks to contraception, giving their most fertile years to a career - not to mention to a live in lover in no hurry to commit. The ‘normality’of promiscuity leading to the devastating consequences of AIDS in some countries and infertile young women in others. (Also, of course, to the sin and sorrow of adultery and divorce.)
These dogmas combine to produce, over time, an exponential decline in births. This results not only in economic collapse with shrinking markets and tax base, deflation, crumbling welfare systems, etc), but also in eventual extinction. Of course, nobody acknowledges the causes of the falling birth rate and its devastating consequences. This after all, would be to admit to the absurdity of ‘enlightened’ attitudes in the face of harsh reality.
All in all, it seems that by dismissing the divinity of Christ and by rejecting its roots in Catholicism, Western Civilisation has created a ‘nice’ make-believe world which is, ultimately, unsustainable. Who would have believed the Catholic Church would outlive the secular triumph? Which brings to mind Christ’s words on establishing it - that ‘the gates of Hell will never overcome it.’ (Matthew 16:18). So much for ‘survival of the fittest’ then. The Catholic Church has been vindicated!
These include the ‘common sense’ of contraception; the ‘right’ to abortion, the ‘equality’ of homosexual relationships. Women - thanks to contraception, giving their most fertile years to a career - not to mention to a live in lover in no hurry to commit. The ‘normality’of promiscuity leading to the devastating consequences of AIDS in some countries and infertile young women in others. (Also, of course, to the sin and sorrow of adultery and divorce.)
These dogmas combine to produce, over time, an exponential decline in births. This results not only in economic collapse with shrinking markets and tax base, deflation, crumbling welfare systems, etc), but also in eventual extinction. Of course, nobody acknowledges the causes of the falling birth rate and its devastating consequences. This after all, would be to admit to the absurdity of ‘enlightened’ attitudes in the face of harsh reality.
All in all, it seems that by dismissing the divinity of Christ and by rejecting its roots in Catholicism, Western Civilisation has created a ‘nice’ make-believe world which is, ultimately, unsustainable. Who would have believed the Catholic Church would outlive the secular triumph? Which brings to mind Christ’s words on establishing it - that ‘the gates of Hell will never overcome it.’ (Matthew 16:18). So much for ‘survival of the fittest’ then. The Catholic Church has been vindicated!
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